About Us
Over 200,000 Churches and Ministries Served
Kingdom Growth Center™ was started by the same family that founded Kingdom.com. Kingdom® and Kingdom.com have provided products to over 200,000 churches and ministries.
Prior to founding Kingdom, Johnny Berguson trained an Arabian horse to do tricks and traveled the country putting on horse shows at churches, fairs, rodeos, and more. Johnny and his family traveled the country putting on horse shows and presenting the Gospel. During this time, they saw thousands and thousands come to Christ. The horse ministry was also featured on TV numerous times including appearances on the 700 Club.
Over 35 years ago, Kingdom was founded to help churches and ministries advance God’s kingdom and get their message out. Evangelist Johnny Berguson’s great grandfather was a Baptist minister; however, Johnny made his public profession of faith at a Billy Graham film many years ago as a young adult.
Kingdom Growth Center is meant to be a resource center for ordinary Christians, pastors, and leaders. It contains both church growth resources and information to help anyone share their faith. Do you have a heart to see God’s kingdom advance and see the Gospel spread? Would you like to see people grow in their faith and more people come to Christ? If so, Kingdom Growth Center is the right place for you!